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J. Michael Allsen

Hi Jay - Trying not to be oversensitive here, but reading your review prompted ME to look at the Wikipedia article as well. Some of the wording does in fact line up, but the notes WCC published last night were originally written in 2000 for a Madison Symphony Orchestra performance (i.e., long before Wikipedia existed). Much of the research for my notes was based upon Nicholas Temperly's 1991 book on the work. My Creation notes - pretty much identical to what WCC published - were online for a few years in the early 2000s, and the anonymous Wiki author may have borrowed some of my verbiage. This would not be the first time I've found my stuff used without credit or attribution in Wikipedia and other online sources. (One of the dangers of publishing online...I sometimes shudder to think of how many undergraduate music research papers I've "written" for plagiarizing students.) I just wanted to clarify this point for your readers. Best regards, Mike Allsen

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